Saturday, December 12, 2009


People may panic when they are scared. By being faced with the unknown you grow immensely though. When panicking, people may become irrational though, thus they may be driven to harm themselves as well as others.

In the face of danger why do we fear communication? If communication can do anything it will help reduce panic.

Panic can be somewhat alleviated by full communication throughout it.

Monday, December 7, 2009


If we take away love our world would become a tomb. The world is and always will be all of our homes, however it is not in the same time and space as it was from a moment ago till know. Even as you are reading, this the world is changing. Not that much, because the only moment that exist presently is now. However the world is constantly in motion.

We are both the future and the past, and in essence there is really no present. It is so relevant, however until we believe that our problems will be the same. It is the belief in the unknown that is going to save us. Our ideas, which our so powerful that some of them, even become law.

That, above anything else is what we are all striving for. To be taken seriously. We are all confused individuals. The main problem is that we are all running around like a chicken with its head cut off. It is like being in a dream all your life and not being able to wake up. The further you go, the deeper you get.
That is until we see we are in a dream. Only then we are able to wake ourselves up. That is only one of the issues that we all have in common with each other. Hopefully we can all wake up as the real world is much more wondrous then our dream like trance.

However knowledge of this dream like state is not enough. It is like we all our sleeping but not knowing that you are, however many times we try to wake.

It is impossible to do so. The longer we are in this trance the more complex it will become. Look at human history or media, and how much good can you see. It is almost as if we are in an experiment that went terribly astray.

It is becoming so horrific, simple or complex, that it is difficult to understand unless you are deeply involved as well as interested in it.

So life is so abundantly joyous. Someone has to be braver than anyone else has been in a while. It is as you can lead a fish to water but you can’t make it swim to stay alive. Something like that has to occur by waking us all.

Hopefully this recognition will not take to much longer. We all need so much sleep it is ridiculous. However, we have to have abundant respect for life. As we all have to celebrate life, however temporally it is difficult to realize why.


Don't worry yourself to death. If you worry too much you can never be to sure. Worrying can really hurt yourself as well as others.

Life is too short to worry all the time. We should all have more fun in it, because if you really think about it that is what makes life worth living. We cannot take our obstacles as seriously as we do.
We will make it through all our obstacles. Some keys that would help us are to stay as calm and as friendly as possible.

When we are relaxed, we are able to work easier, then when tension is increasing. In emergent situations, as well as others, if we are calm there is a greater possibility we could overcome whatever obstacles we have found ourselves in.

The obstacles we find ourselves in portray the obstacles that are within ourselves. We always want to change our reality to better fit our needs. No matter if we are aware of it or not, our reality cannot and will not be in true alignment with ourselves.

This alignment is an extremely fragile way of thinking. Our realities do not always intersect causing conflicts, emotionally, physically, mentally and even spiritually.

Most of these conflicts are so easy to solve that we are not even aware of their existence. However there are some that cause so much discomfort that the price is insurmountably unthinkable.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Needless Worry

Worrying may have its time of value. But once the issue is resolved it shouldn't exist in your mind set anymore. It may seem needless to the listener, however it has to be respected. Its volubility is not diminished at all by the fact that the listener does not find it serious.
There is a point to everything. Some points are better left unsaud. This is because they have to be seen first and gone through before they are taken in.

Sad, but this is how some choose to learn, so you should respect this however hard it may be for you if you choose not to you will lose so much energy that is very valuable, and you will make yourself sick faster then necessary, which is unnecessarily the news.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Everyone is in such a hurry. They have no time for themselves, let alone to be kind. Why?

The only thing you are rushing to, if you really think about it is your death. You don’t take care of yourself when things hurt you, on your body or otherwise. You die from pain, if not from stress.

Stress is the all time leading cause of death. It is very sad, because it is self-induced. It could always be alleviated if people just practice a very simple, but alien, step and that is the mystically of relaxation.

When your day just goes bad, stop for a moment and take a breath. Relax, Relax, And Relax.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Emotional Leads

Emotions lead to greatness, as well as destruction. Passion outweighs every obstacle known or unknown to us all.
Where there is life, there is always hope. Life is a magical and mystical journey. It is full of wondrous adventures as well as tragic failures.

You just have to hang on; as much, as well as long as you possibly are capable of. All the energy will come back to you as positive harmonic tendencies. These are able to create such knowledge in and of itself as the finest recourse that we all know and love. In essence, this belief is all we have as well as our life force is.
Thought and imagination are the greatest resource we all have. They are capable as well as they are getting us what we want as well as need. We all need freedom through all of time and space. However there are some thoughts that are so evil, you shouldn't really think about for they are capable of destroying all of time and space. However, they are defiantly not as powerful as the essence of life as we know, which is the most powerful for it the essential part and structure of life.


It is sort of funny how we take things so serious, however the more serious we take things, the more difficult all of it becomes. The more attention we pursue on anything, the more stressful we get and that leads to consequences beyond consequences. Nature knows this but with all our knowledge we can't totally grasp it; at least not all of us, however hard we try.

For this is probably the only chance in all time you have to have a good life, so take, it no matter what. You always have ro have fun, and do all you want in your life. However if you do not talk no one can tell if you are having fun. Wisdom only is received by interaction of what is on your heart.

So you have to be truthful.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happiness Expressed

Happiness abundantly spreading throughout life is a good release of emotions. It becomes our lively essence. Keeping us young and playful is a terrific way of being.

Life, however, is so fragile in emotional expressions. It only takes one seed of misery to grow and create some conflicts to spoil life’s grand design.


This feeling can only come one way. That is if you do not take your problem or anyone else's problem seriously. This sounds simple, but it is not. If anything look at the news and entertainment as a whole. What draws you in?

Happy people may, however it is only the tragedies of life that capture your attention. It is not that easy to stop unless you are ready to lose all your processions or maybe even your life.

What if there was a war no one ever talked about. This war was going on for decades, millennia, however long life existed. This eternal war got so embedded in the subconscious that no one knows about it, except a very small number

Friday, July 31, 2009


Positive and negative emotional responses put great variety in every life that it touches. Sometimes though, it may get carried away as everything can.

Everything that exist has a way of working out for the best of the situation that it happens to be in. There are very few clear questions or answers to them.

Humor can improve many situations, if both entities involved are aware of it being present. Usually it relaxes any situation it gets introduced to.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Is passion good? Or is passion bad? No wonder we are all in a state of confusion. We all need to recognize that, not ignore it.

Only then can we solve our dilemmas. This is not new. It is very common, however
not always followed.

Would you like the future to have a future? Of course we all do. So why fight
battles that do not need to be thought. We should all just fight the fights that
need to be fought. The ones that can no be solved any other way. We all should
abide by this so forth encouraging the existence of life.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fear or No Fear

There is a difference between acceptane and having no fear. For example you can
accept death but still fear dying. You even could fully except dying, for you
have been pronounced as dead, however you still fear it.

Fear of dying exist throughout life. People have this drive to stay alive. It
may be seen as fearing the unknown or just not wanting to give up.

Not wanting to give up on life is a more empowering view than fearing the unknown. It causes us to be open to all the possibilities that life has in store for us.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tension Levels

Being tense in life is a give in. that is why we cannot sleep well unless we have no pressures. Although the fact is that we always have pressures in existence. We have to first accept that, then we are more likely to overcome that. For we all need sleep. To exist, as well, as to live the life we want to lead, sleep is essential.

For tension exists even when we perceive that it doesn’t, it is true that our perception is our reality, however it is not the full existence of dimensional aspect that we believe. So we have to really listen and not take it all in, if we could manage to do that.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Being passionate about something is not always a good thing. It can be very disruptive. It can even destroy things as well. Hopefully it will not lead to this destructive state. Passion needs to be somewhat controlled. Do not lose your temper when you are passionate, just realize that there are always more than one view points on everything.

Humorously Fearful

Fear is a very humorous emotion. It is a survival mechanism basically. At the same time too much fear, can prohibit growth as well as freedom. What makes you afraid in your youth does not produce the same emotional response as you age. In fact when you look at your fears as a youth you are astounded by the fact you had fear of that.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Humor in Fear

Fear is a very humorous emotion. It is a survival mechanism basically; however it prohibits growth as well as freedom; which is why a large amount of this terror or horror is ignored.

What manufacture being afraid in your youth does not generate fear as your wisdom accelerates. It is usually very humorous when you look fabricated this emotional response.

Fear is tied to the uncertainty of life quest of living. Without it, we would be very bored. All the fears we have promote our awareness as well as encourage our consciousness. We want to comprehend the thing that apprehends or alarms us into a state of panic, so it doesn’t scare us anymore.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dreams Living

Dreams can destroy all obstacles as well as rules. However without the rules the structure will not survive.

You should create a dream journal if you want to keep track of your dreams. A dream journal is thoughts that go through your mind as you sleep. This can help you get more sleep because you know your ideas are safe.

Arguments are a thing that can break dreams. They are filled with negative emotions which cause distractions when trying to accomplish something. Arguments weaken the dream so muh that it may not survive. However it can also give the idea the structure to expand and grow.

Beliefs are a powerful thing. They could break the rules or build them and provide strength for them. They can also set order to your dreams as well as to your existence. The strength of your belief is important as well it is relevant to how much focus you put on your belief. If you put alt of focus on your belief than it is extremely powerful.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Honesty is a two way street. It can be good for the individuals in the present or the future. This is depending on the situation which they are participating in.

When it is good for you in the present it doesn’t cause much aggravation or anger in the present moment. The other kind is good for the individual in their future. Both of these forms of honesty are based off of truth. They have positive sides and negative sides as well.

There are many positives to honesty. One of them is it is much easier keeping your story accurate, this is because you were truthful to yourself as well as others. Another example of why it is better to be honest then to not be is you feel more at ease and content when you are honest.

The negative aspects of being honest are, you think that you will get in tons of trouble which is usually why people are not honest. Lying is also habitual. You may do it unconsciously.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Thanking all for the gifts they provide is an essential part of life. Saying “I Love You,” is an extremely important in our lives, as well. Why are these phrases used so sparingly? Another phrase used sparingly is “I’m sorry” and “I apologize.” Why are these phrases so rarely used? It could be because they make you vulnerable. You have to realize that you are always vulnerable. However, when we say these to others your vulnerability is so apparent, that we are fearful of the outcome.

We don’t realize that by saying these simple phrases, we actually are stronger then when we do not. Apparently those who do not say those phrases a lot to others, very seldom say these phrases to themselves. Another factor in saying these phrases beginning with I also mean other things such as “I Love You,” meaning also, “I implicitly, blindly, trust you. I have no regrets in life. I live the fullest life I could.” It is a very simple phenomena to start. All you have to do is just say those phrases.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Fear can do very unique things to individuals mind. It can make them love. It can make them hate as well. It can as well produce every emotion imaginable.

What is important is is how you respond to this phenomenon of the psyche. You could probably understand it. That understanding of fear is probably one of the most admirable quality we are capable of.

There is hate which produces more of that fear. Love which dismantles it as well as all the negative emotions attached to that fear.

Unlike mathematics where a negative and negative equal a positive, a negative and negative usually equals a greater negative in the world of thought as well as emotion As a positive and another positive always equals a greater positive in both mathematical problems as well as the real world.

One man’s order is another man’s chaos. This is unbelievably true, you should never be surprised if someone else can’t find anything in your room except you. That is how the young, as well as young at heart feel when mature people tell them to clean your room. They respond but it already is cleaned, because everyone has a different organizational style. So do not get mad at that, instead just teach them how to keep better organizationally. Every time you get stressed or feel angry you lose a piece of your youth and it can never be brought back. So you should try not to get angry so much.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Forgiveness is very hard to maintain
Forgiveness is harder as you age
Since you’re stuck in your ways.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


When we have an argument, one should always apologize. It doesn’t matter who apologizes first, all that matters is that communication is started and fast. Communication leads to resolution. The faster the resolution is made the better for both parties. This is good because communication leads to a better life than before. Every argument you partake in is another one of life’s obstacles. Communication is the reward you partake in after.

The Most Painful Memories are the Best. Why is this?

Emotions are tied with them that is what makes them so good for an individual to have. Without memories we would literally have no history of who we are or what we did. Painful memories add more color to our live verses the black and white as well as the mundane life we would have without them.

Painful memories spice up our memories; sometimes so much that it is difficult to let it out and converse about them. However if we don’t converse anger rears its head in and could start a conflict of which it is known to do. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your memories at all. If you thought that it was that important to remember then it was, so just let it out and talk about it.


Provocation causes vast amount of anger, which leads to evil deeds. This causes others to do the same, for they don’t have that strong of a self to resist the urge of following. They follow it blindly. Thus increasing the strength of the action, this enhances the amount damage that is set in motion. This enhances the evils strength of the evil intention, causing more damage, just like a virus.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Comfort on difficult days
Smiles when sadness intrudes
Rainbows to follow the clouds
Laughter to feel your limbs
Sunsets to warm your heart
Gentle hugs when spirits sag
Friendship to brighten your being
Beauty for your eyes to see
Confidence when you doubt
Faith so you can believe
Courage to know yourself
Patience to accept the truth
And I love to complete your life

Power of Love

Love is a powerful, but even love cannot defeat death. The show has to go on, even with the death of our loved ones. The show must always go on. However sad, it may be that life is the ultimate power by moving forward. It never stops for anyone or anything, so make the most of it while you have it. Live to make people happy as well as all living things because that is the greatest charity of all.

The Art of Happiness

First is happiness an art. No one can make you happy. You have to have happiness inside you to be happy. You have to have happiness inside of you to be truly happy. Others can encourage you to be happy, yes but they cannot make you feel any way you do not consent to feel.

Misery does not spread. People have to let take hold of them. Some actions encourage certain feelings to come out as well.

But you have total control over them. You can say “No,” I don’t want to feel that way and you won’t. However it is easier, when you have something to take your mind off that. You will not want to hang around people who feel that way because they will just pull you into feeling that way again.

Blinding Love

Love is so blinding you can’t even see death when you’re under its spell. It is blinding all the possible flaws in someone or making them realize there is something of greater value then the flaws. When someone is in love they could overlook anything in the object of their desire, if their desire is strong and true.

Strength of love goes with the truth of love. It has nothing to do with the physical attraction, however this may be where strong and true loves start. The strength of love is measured by the hardships it can sustain and still remain undamaged. It is extremely difficult to obtain a strong and true love that can last throughout the test of time. When you do, you will definitely know you’ve found it.

You can have more than one true love. You can admire stuff about one person. Admiration and love are very close in what they mean. You have to admire someone to love them. However it is possible to love someone you do not admire.

Remember love is blind, so it doesn’t know about race, creed, nationality, orientation, or any other divisions we may make up. The world is so small, it is a real shame we are so divided. But I guess that’s part of the human condition.

Strength, but Fragility of Love

Love is so strong, but at the same time it is extremely fragile. It is this way because it is an emotion. However this venture is an extremely important attempt to obtain.

Living without love is not living at all. For life begins with love, so it has to be filled with it.

True love can never be denied or killed. You cannot force one to love another. It is a freedom to choose the one or ones we love.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Letting Go of Anger

Let anger go before it consumes you whole being. It is not good to let anger become your reality. You lead a life that should be wondrous, not miserable. Your attitude in life reflects what you receive out of it. Your tone portrays how you feel even if you do not realize that conscientiously.

Your subconscious could seem as if it is a betrayal system. It shows what you really are feeling even if the rest of your knowledge says otherwise. We should listen to it when people say we sound a certain way and not get in a argument with them over it. We should always accept criticism from anybody who gives it to us. We would lead much happier lives if we just became more humble. The humble man is the one who lives the longest.

Understanding Anger

There is not a more difficult emotion to understand than anger. There are a whole bunch of things that irritate different people. As unique as different people seem, there are different sources of anger to match. As well there are different interpretations which could begin arguments.

In this time, where stress levels are at the peak of their existence, anger is no laughing matter. It can very well cause hostilities as well as nothing whatsoever in the interactions between life forms. It is not my intention to create panic, just to create awareness with this article.

Time is precious. Too much of it is spent on anger with no progression of ideas. We have an obligation to our children and ancestors to work out our differences and also to continue with the progression that we can achieve.

Finding Hope

When you hope it is difficult to deliberate what you want to desire. There are so many things we can and do desire within the world that it is very difficult to surmise where to begin. That my friends, is life.

It is classically one hope after another and our dealing with the results we receive from those hopes. Sometimes the results are good and we are pleased. Other times our dreams turn into nightmares and we are upset over them.

The important thing is not to anger yourself to much over those unlikely results you acquire and just to keep on going on with your life. For time is precious.

Desires Evaluated

These two words should never be found together. Desires are your own personal dreams for the moment.

They should stay personal unless you feel comfortable in letting others know of them. If the individuals whom you inform about your desires are told to keep it in confidence, they should respect you enough to keep their mouths shut. Unless they are concerned about your well being or safety they should not break that confidence you placed within them. If they are shallow and too concerned with how it would make them look, then you should not tell them for they are not worth your trust.

You shouldn’t be doing things because you think they are the right things to do. You should know in your heart that they are the right thing to do.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Dancing is freedom for me. It is a way of expressing myself to the world around me. It’s the sum of my emotions. I live my life that way. It is an expression of your heart soul as well. Through dancing you show all of your desires.

Dancing is an expression of your heart. Through dancing you show all your desires. It is impossible to hide anything when you are dancing. That is probably why some people love it and some people hate it. Some people are trainable and some are not trainable.

The people who are trainable were usually good students as well. Dancing can be a very complex activity if you make it that.

Some are just wild at heart. For these people, it is extremely difficult to train. They are much better dancing how their heart takes them. Most people are a conglomeration of those two extremes. However there are the seldom few who are the extreme of being trainable or not being untrained.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Evil doesn’t succumb easily, however when it takes enough of a beating it retreats. It is very difficult to defeat it; you have to have an enormously fantastic will to conquer evil fully. It retreats when it gets so damaged it can’t go on and then is forced to retract. It can never be fully annihilated because then there wouldn’t be any polarity within the universe.

Most of what we call evil is a misunderstanding of situations or actions. Misunderstandings frustrate, which cause evil to occur. This frustration could be alleviated if relaxation were to set in. the world is full of so much tension it feels like at any moment it will snap like rubber bands.

We should all do our part in taking time to breathe and relax. If one person starts it, it will spread. Enjoy family as well as friends because they stick by you no matter what.

Every culture symbolizes evil with a different persona. For it is easier to have a conflict with a human form than an idea. The devil is the most common one or something to that effect. Greece has Hades, or at least that is the keeper of the underworld in Greek mythology.

The devil doesn’t exist. It’s just a state of mind. One’s person’s devil is another’s saint.


Dreams never turn out the way we want them too. There always is a possibility in dreams though. Sometimes when you least anticipate them they occur miraculously. Every so often things have to get so bad before they get better, but you have to keep the belief alive they will get better because they will.

Our dreams are portals to the future as well as to innovations in our everyday life. If you see it, it will become. If you believe it, it will happen. No matter how strong your belief or your site is. Strength only determines the speed it become a sequential part of our reality. That which was always in existence will always be in existence.

However it’s only visible in this reality for a finite amount of time. This is because it will and will always be in motion forever. This is not the only reality. This is not the only life we are living. It is the only life we are aware of. We have one life in all realities as does every other thing. That is why everything you see is in a constant state of motion.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Meaning of Saint Valentine Day

No Valentine this year again, it’s hard but I have to remember what I have. I have a great friends and family. So what if that family isn’t my own, at least they treat me better then my other two blood related families. I meet wonderful people every day. Some stay a while to my surprise, some stay only a brief time, I value that as well.

True love does not have to be the person you have sexual relations with. True love could be a good friend. You sometimes have more fun with friends then you do with your lover.

True love is the person you enjoy spending time with, and who enjoys spending time with you. You have a lot in common with this person. You also can have many true loves. You can like different aspects of different individuals. However the first individual you have to love and accept, before you can love anyone, is yourself.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Passion Drives

If your passion drives you it’s awesome. You don’t feel like you work at all. However very few like what they do, they just do it for financial reason. To them I say you better change jobs and do what you are passionate about because life is short, and there are more important things then money. One of those things that their missing out on is life.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fabric of Life

Life is alive, making memories worth remembering and that you are proud to call your own, because they make up the essence of what we call ourselves. Those memories are just hurting to be shared with others. The more their shared the better understood we feel and are. When they are shared they make others proud to be known as your friends or at least to have touched your life in some way.

All our histories our inter entwined within a grand web known as the fabric of life. The fabric of life is an immensely huge piece of cloth that exists in the spiritual realm and other realms but not our own, so we cannot observe it. It contains all of the lives that ever lived and all the possibilities they have within them.

This fabric is living and growing all the time. Everything we do, every path we follow through life is within this mighty fabric. Every new life every new life produces many stitches as every life that dies stops the growth of that particular stitch. The fabric never loses any mass but always gains, which means it is humongous. It is in constant expansion and constant retraction at the same time.

Ever different specie has its own section of the fabric. Surprisingly many amounts of strands of the different species intersect. Every time one living thing does something respectable and shows it responsibility towards another it grows, also the inverse. At the same time if something irresponsible and unrespectable happens between species or within one species it deceases its growth. These intersections are of spiritual, subatomic, atomic, and physical attributes of life as well as others aspects of life. This proves the connection of all living things exists.

Emotional Spectrum

The Emotional Spectrum contains every emotion alive within living entities. These emotions have a profound impact on our emotions within our lives. It exists in the supernatural or spiritual world, the world of thought.

The lead emotion is love. The polar opposite is hate. Emotions lead to a feeling or a group of feelings which lead to actions or a group of actions.