Saturday, February 28, 2009

Blinding Love

Love is so blinding you can’t even see death when you’re under its spell. It is blinding all the possible flaws in someone or making them realize there is something of greater value then the flaws. When someone is in love they could overlook anything in the object of their desire, if their desire is strong and true.

Strength of love goes with the truth of love. It has nothing to do with the physical attraction, however this may be where strong and true loves start. The strength of love is measured by the hardships it can sustain and still remain undamaged. It is extremely difficult to obtain a strong and true love that can last throughout the test of time. When you do, you will definitely know you’ve found it.

You can have more than one true love. You can admire stuff about one person. Admiration and love are very close in what they mean. You have to admire someone to love them. However it is possible to love someone you do not admire.

Remember love is blind, so it doesn’t know about race, creed, nationality, orientation, or any other divisions we may make up. The world is so small, it is a real shame we are so divided. But I guess that’s part of the human condition.

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