Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fabric of Life

Life is alive, making memories worth remembering and that you are proud to call your own, because they make up the essence of what we call ourselves. Those memories are just hurting to be shared with others. The more their shared the better understood we feel and are. When they are shared they make others proud to be known as your friends or at least to have touched your life in some way.

All our histories our inter entwined within a grand web known as the fabric of life. The fabric of life is an immensely huge piece of cloth that exists in the spiritual realm and other realms but not our own, so we cannot observe it. It contains all of the lives that ever lived and all the possibilities they have within them.

This fabric is living and growing all the time. Everything we do, every path we follow through life is within this mighty fabric. Every new life every new life produces many stitches as every life that dies stops the growth of that particular stitch. The fabric never loses any mass but always gains, which means it is humongous. It is in constant expansion and constant retraction at the same time.

Ever different specie has its own section of the fabric. Surprisingly many amounts of strands of the different species intersect. Every time one living thing does something respectable and shows it responsibility towards another it grows, also the inverse. At the same time if something irresponsible and unrespectable happens between species or within one species it deceases its growth. These intersections are of spiritual, subatomic, atomic, and physical attributes of life as well as others aspects of life. This proves the connection of all living things exists.

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