Saturday, February 14, 2009

Meaning of Saint Valentine Day

No Valentine this year again, it’s hard but I have to remember what I have. I have a great friends and family. So what if that family isn’t my own, at least they treat me better then my other two blood related families. I meet wonderful people every day. Some stay a while to my surprise, some stay only a brief time, I value that as well.

True love does not have to be the person you have sexual relations with. True love could be a good friend. You sometimes have more fun with friends then you do with your lover.

True love is the person you enjoy spending time with, and who enjoys spending time with you. You have a lot in common with this person. You also can have many true loves. You can like different aspects of different individuals. However the first individual you have to love and accept, before you can love anyone, is yourself.

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