Sunday, November 22, 2009


Everyone is in such a hurry. They have no time for themselves, let alone to be kind. Why?

The only thing you are rushing to, if you really think about it is your death. You don’t take care of yourself when things hurt you, on your body or otherwise. You die from pain, if not from stress.

Stress is the all time leading cause of death. It is very sad, because it is self-induced. It could always be alleviated if people just practice a very simple, but alien, step and that is the mystically of relaxation.

When your day just goes bad, stop for a moment and take a breath. Relax, Relax, And Relax.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Emotional Leads

Emotions lead to greatness, as well as destruction. Passion outweighs every obstacle known or unknown to us all.
Where there is life, there is always hope. Life is a magical and mystical journey. It is full of wondrous adventures as well as tragic failures.

You just have to hang on; as much, as well as long as you possibly are capable of. All the energy will come back to you as positive harmonic tendencies. These are able to create such knowledge in and of itself as the finest recourse that we all know and love. In essence, this belief is all we have as well as our life force is.
Thought and imagination are the greatest resource we all have. They are capable as well as they are getting us what we want as well as need. We all need freedom through all of time and space. However there are some thoughts that are so evil, you shouldn't really think about for they are capable of destroying all of time and space. However, they are defiantly not as powerful as the essence of life as we know, which is the most powerful for it the essential part and structure of life.


It is sort of funny how we take things so serious, however the more serious we take things, the more difficult all of it becomes. The more attention we pursue on anything, the more stressful we get and that leads to consequences beyond consequences. Nature knows this but with all our knowledge we can't totally grasp it; at least not all of us, however hard we try.

For this is probably the only chance in all time you have to have a good life, so take, it no matter what. You always have ro have fun, and do all you want in your life. However if you do not talk no one can tell if you are having fun. Wisdom only is received by interaction of what is on your heart.

So you have to be truthful.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happiness Expressed

Happiness abundantly spreading throughout life is a good release of emotions. It becomes our lively essence. Keeping us young and playful is a terrific way of being.

Life, however, is so fragile in emotional expressions. It only takes one seed of misery to grow and create some conflicts to spoil life’s grand design.


This feeling can only come one way. That is if you do not take your problem or anyone else's problem seriously. This sounds simple, but it is not. If anything look at the news and entertainment as a whole. What draws you in?

Happy people may, however it is only the tragedies of life that capture your attention. It is not that easy to stop unless you are ready to lose all your processions or maybe even your life.

What if there was a war no one ever talked about. This war was going on for decades, millennia, however long life existed. This eternal war got so embedded in the subconscious that no one knows about it, except a very small number