Thursday, March 26, 2009


Honesty is a two way street. It can be good for the individuals in the present or the future. This is depending on the situation which they are participating in.

When it is good for you in the present it doesn’t cause much aggravation or anger in the present moment. The other kind is good for the individual in their future. Both of these forms of honesty are based off of truth. They have positive sides and negative sides as well.

There are many positives to honesty. One of them is it is much easier keeping your story accurate, this is because you were truthful to yourself as well as others. Another example of why it is better to be honest then to not be is you feel more at ease and content when you are honest.

The negative aspects of being honest are, you think that you will get in tons of trouble which is usually why people are not honest. Lying is also habitual. You may do it unconsciously.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Thanking all for the gifts they provide is an essential part of life. Saying “I Love You,” is an extremely important in our lives, as well. Why are these phrases used so sparingly? Another phrase used sparingly is “I’m sorry” and “I apologize.” Why are these phrases so rarely used? It could be because they make you vulnerable. You have to realize that you are always vulnerable. However, when we say these to others your vulnerability is so apparent, that we are fearful of the outcome.

We don’t realize that by saying these simple phrases, we actually are stronger then when we do not. Apparently those who do not say those phrases a lot to others, very seldom say these phrases to themselves. Another factor in saying these phrases beginning with I also mean other things such as “I Love You,” meaning also, “I implicitly, blindly, trust you. I have no regrets in life. I live the fullest life I could.” It is a very simple phenomena to start. All you have to do is just say those phrases.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Fear can do very unique things to individuals mind. It can make them love. It can make them hate as well. It can as well produce every emotion imaginable.

What is important is is how you respond to this phenomenon of the psyche. You could probably understand it. That understanding of fear is probably one of the most admirable quality we are capable of.

There is hate which produces more of that fear. Love which dismantles it as well as all the negative emotions attached to that fear.

Unlike mathematics where a negative and negative equal a positive, a negative and negative usually equals a greater negative in the world of thought as well as emotion As a positive and another positive always equals a greater positive in both mathematical problems as well as the real world.

One man’s order is another man’s chaos. This is unbelievably true, you should never be surprised if someone else can’t find anything in your room except you. That is how the young, as well as young at heart feel when mature people tell them to clean your room. They respond but it already is cleaned, because everyone has a different organizational style. So do not get mad at that, instead just teach them how to keep better organizationally. Every time you get stressed or feel angry you lose a piece of your youth and it can never be brought back. So you should try not to get angry so much.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Forgiveness is very hard to maintain
Forgiveness is harder as you age
Since you’re stuck in your ways.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


When we have an argument, one should always apologize. It doesn’t matter who apologizes first, all that matters is that communication is started and fast. Communication leads to resolution. The faster the resolution is made the better for both parties. This is good because communication leads to a better life than before. Every argument you partake in is another one of life’s obstacles. Communication is the reward you partake in after.

The Most Painful Memories are the Best. Why is this?

Emotions are tied with them that is what makes them so good for an individual to have. Without memories we would literally have no history of who we are or what we did. Painful memories add more color to our live verses the black and white as well as the mundane life we would have without them.

Painful memories spice up our memories; sometimes so much that it is difficult to let it out and converse about them. However if we don’t converse anger rears its head in and could start a conflict of which it is known to do. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your memories at all. If you thought that it was that important to remember then it was, so just let it out and talk about it.


Provocation causes vast amount of anger, which leads to evil deeds. This causes others to do the same, for they don’t have that strong of a self to resist the urge of following. They follow it blindly. Thus increasing the strength of the action, this enhances the amount damage that is set in motion. This enhances the evils strength of the evil intention, causing more damage, just like a virus.